Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Enormous Crocodile

Here is a video of the performance of The Enormous Crocodile(in two parts), performed by the New School Players.
Part one...

And here is the second part...(At the end there are credits, so you can tell who is who).

1 comment:

John Packel said...

Nory: That is one, totally awesome, enormous crocodile. You were terrific (and mildly terrifying). Only one problem. It was hard to hear all the words because a couple of silly women were close to the video camera and were laughing so hard. Oh, those silly women laughing so hard were Robin and Shelley!!!!
Seriously, Nory, you were grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!! Keep it up. I only wish Mom-mom and I could have been there to see you perform.
Love, Pop-pop
P.S. Tell Robbie-baby-kid that the costumes were also perfect.